Category Archives: Meanderings of my mind…

This could consist of my daily blogs or simply updates on the goings on in my life…nonetheless, less us walk a spell together and see where our joint path takes us!

Weekends are for the family…

Those who work hard can play hard and sleep well….well, resting doesn’t always come easy when life stress from working hard disrupts our peaceful rest patterns.  I simply appreciate the carefree time to focus all my heart, soul, and mind … Continue reading

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And so the wait continues…

hope doesn’t disappoint.  Never has there been a truer statement quoted by the only ONE who ought to be in the “know”!  Interview went well…may start a light industrial job Monday from 6am to 2:30pm, but my industrial cleaning work … Continue reading

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Another day, another opportunity to believe in the value of hope

So…I have an interview at 9AM, I landed a P/T cleaning job Mon-Fri 6:9:30PM, and an employment agency is working to land me an interview for an HR Assistant position.  Life is starting to look up…perseverance DOES lead to hope!

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Welcome to my blog!

So…I’ve finally taken the dive!  Recently, I started a Twitter account, set up my LinkedIn account, and now I am starting a blog.  Honestly, it’s been long overdue!  I’ve found Facebook to be rather artificial.  However, this can be a … Continue reading

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